YouKazoo at Festivals & Fetes

YouKazoo is a marvellous audience participation activity for outdoor events, festivals, and fetes.

Ideal for families, children and adults alike the YouKazoo session is fun, interactive, high impact and gets everyone involved in a great big buzzy blast of noise, activity and joy.

Led by Oliver Carpenter, we distribute up to 200 kazoos for a single 20 minute session, or repeated sessions throughout the day. We show everyone how to play the kazoo, do some swirling notes and big harmony chords, call and response and then get everyone playing some great tunes together like ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’, ‘Always Look on the Bright Side of Life’, ‘Baker Street’ and more.

“seriously fun kazoo magic today!” – Sam Ewell, Companions of Hope

“thankyou so much Oliver you were amazing” – Imandeep Kaur, Impact Hub